Blade Runner (1982): Pursuing the Truth
Riddley borrowed unused Shining footage from Stanely. Then Stanely restaged part of Blade Runner’s ending in Eyes Wide Shut.Continue Reading
Riddley borrowed unused Shining footage from Stanely. Then Stanely restaged part of Blade Runner’s ending in Eyes Wide Shut.Continue Reading
The gun-toting fireworks, metal-on-metal mayhem categorically unmoor Cameron from all his Canadian sensibilities.Continue Reading
These two films tease out ideas about our baggage but only slightly beyond the surface level.Continue Reading
Somehow, Tenet comes out unscathed though not because of anything of its own doing.Continue Reading
The structure of a separate era per season was already spoiled for me.Continue Reading
It figures then that the only film worth squat in the franchise was not tainted first-hand by both parties in the diabolical matrimony of the actor-director couple involved.Continue Reading
While no one here at Cinemaholism HQ can attest for certain what the first Emirati film in history is, we can definitely assure what the first film from the Emirates to get reviewed here is.Continue Reading
We can spend the keystrokes refuting its failings or, instead, expend similar resources recounting time spent marveling at the gawk-inducing reels while mesmerized by a scientific premise brimming with the inventive bonafides of a truly curious mind.Continue Reading
Have I flown into a vortex between the time I saw it in chunks then in totality?Continue Reading